I’ll be honest, I was not happy that Meek’s football team came up on the wrong end of the scoreboard last Friday night. However, I was happy about how our team played and the effort they put forth. Heck I was happy to watch them play. A lot of the football team I have known since they were kids in elementary and absolutely love watching them give it their all. I was amazed about how far some had come.
Saturday morning, I saw that a young man south of us, passed away due to an accident during a football game that same night. The quote of the announcement said the young man had passed and that he met Jesus face to face. Knowing that the young man had a relationship with Jesus allows the community, school and family to have joy, while their hearts are filled with sadness.
As football season is starting to go strong, we must remember we can’t let the outcome of a game dictate our level of joy. Don’t get me wrong, I do not like to lose, and I am one of the most competitive people you may meet. However, losing a game may make me sad but it will never take my joy.
My joy is found in knowing who Jesus is and no matter what I am going through I can trust Him to help me through it. A football game, a bad day, sickness and even death can’t take that way. My joy is eternal, long past my time on earth is done. Now there will be times in my life when I am not happy (Example a few weeks ago: Having a kidney stone stuck leading to surgery) but I will always have my joy. If you don’t know that true joy of not only knowing who Jesus is, but having a relationship with Him, I encourage you to make Him apart of your life today.
Special Request:
At the time I am writing this devotion, there is a young lady in the community in critical medical condition. I ask that anyone reading this, pray specifically that she and her family get closer to Jesus and rely on His strength. There is nothing we can do more for the ones we love then to pray for them.